In Vain – Ænigma
22nd March 2013
Volbeat – Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies
7th April 2013Bukowski – Hazardous Creatures

Label: Verycords / Release date: 15th April 2013
Third album from the French quartet is one of those rock records that at the same time feel like raw garage rock records, but just as much as well-produced records with a very professional approach.
Band’s blend of rock and metal with just a touch of stoner-rock, comes naturally and the songs are performed with conviction and energy, which is crucial for the genre.
Songs are simple, but very well written, with just the right dose of catchiness that grabs you attention from the start, but never crosses that border where rock music becomes cheesy and loses its edge or danger.
Riffs are extremely compelling and interesting, without being complex and leads are for the most part very well incorporated into songs, supporting them well or even giving the songs bit of an unexpected twist, without changing the flow of the songs. Mathieu Dottel’s vocals too are perfectly balanced between melodic/fun, especially during the courses, and raw/passionate. He is in control and modulates the aggression extremely efficiently.
Songwriting is very tight with focus on the essence of the songs and the energy, but with enough playfulness to make it interesting.
Another essential aspect of Hazardous Creatures is the very potent and perfectly balanced production, which compliments the raw as well as the melodic aspects to Bukowski.
Hazardous Creatures is a fine example of passion and professionalism melting into one, creating a record that is true to the very core of garage rock music and at the same time appealing enough for the broader audience, without being compromising.