We’re expanding…

Do you want to receive the music before it ’s released, gain free access to concerts, meet the artists for interviews etc.?

Perhaps you should apply for one of two vacant positions as a writer for Metal Revolution.
We expect you to have a very good knowledge of metal music and music in general. It would be an advantage if you have extensive knowledge of following genres: Power Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal, Prog, Electro Metal and Hard Rock.

But before you do that please read the general guidelines and requirements below:


Guidelines and requirements

– Minimum 18 years of age
– Have passion for writing and have an interest in the genre of music you write about
– Able to work to deadlines and self-manage
– Structured at your work
– Able to replay the material in high sound quality for digital and physical musical releases
– Professional about receiving feedback on your work.
– Have strong written and oral skills
– MR is a non-profit organization so the jobs are not paid You will however have a possibility to keep all the music you’re reviewing and have free access to all the concerts you might review
– Your sex and location are of no importance.


Contact us by using the contact form below or send us an email on info@metal-revolution.com. We encourage you to include a review of an album of your choice.


Copenhell 2015


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message & a review of your choice