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15th August 2017Blood of Seklusion – Servants of Chaos

Label: Soulfood / Release Date: 11th August 2017
Ten years ago (I seem to get a lot of these recently – Imagine that) four Italian musicians with a strong desire to create Death Metal (yet another example of my stereotypical generalization being wrong) met each other and founded the band now known as Blood of Seklusion. And in that time they have released a grand total of four albums: One Demo, one Split album and two full-length records. The latest of these creations carries the title Servants of Chaos. Within its pages (metaphorically speaking) one will find ten songs in total, spanning a rough forty minutes. Forty minutes of continuous, constant and standard Death Metal.
It contains and delivers everything that you would want and would expect from such a release – War-torn lyrics, stories of social injustice and, of course, streams upon streams of hammering drums, screaming guitars and a thudding bass. Everything you could expect. Sadly, I would have wanted a bit more than that.
While I am not claiming that Servants of Chaos is a bad album, it does come of as a bit… general. It offers nothing to make it possible to pin-point it as a clear Blood of Seklusion release. I have previously referred to it as a unique sound that I personally believe any band should strive towards, and I also believe that the band is in the middle of a process of finding this particular sound – Something that I claim solely based on the last track on the record.
The last track is aptly (for a final track anyway) called “Amen”, and showcased many of the great aspects of a good Death Metal album: Consistency, power, sheer aggression and, most important of all, an overall feel that I can imagine could become something that I would love about this band. Mind you, while this album overall was a pretty decent album with some degree of potential, this track is what made it rise to be a great album (in my opinion).
That aside, I still opted for linking to the track “Unconventional Warfare”, but because it is a good track in its own right, but equally because I am a sucker for a music video (and they happened to release one for this particular track).
The record hits the shelves tomorrow, and if you are interested in finding new Death Metal acts with some measure of promise (and the promise of even more), then I suggest you pick it up and give it a spin.
Recommended for fans of Dismember and Debauchery.