Reencarnacion – 888 Metal
3rd February 2016
Arrjam – Session One
6th February 2016Pedophile Priests – Dark Transgressions of the Soul

Label: Metal Scrap / Release Date: 7th December 2015
Dark Transgressions of the Soul is the debut album of a Polish/Irish Death Metal trio. I am guessing either mostly Polish, or that the vocalist is of Polish descent, since two of the nine tracks (”Czarne Xiestwo” and ”Poganski”) are in a language I can only assume is (you guessed it) Polish. But that is besides the point. Despite being the first release from Pedophile Priests, it is surprisingly professional (no doubt due to the aid of Metal Scrap Records), and has all of the pillars of one of the Death Metal bands of old: Slow, powerful and kept simple, yet very heavily distorted. Even the lyrics, with their promises of destruction (most prominently seen on the track ”Crush, Kill, Destroy”) brings back memories of experiences with Death Metal legends such as Entombed, Suffocation and the like. Overall, Dark Transgressions of the Soul is, at its core at least, an homage to nineties Death Metal, like the ones mentioned above. Sure, Pedophile Priests are still new on the block with a single chip under their belt. But they have made what I believe will be a lasting impression, and I fully expect to be hearing more from these three in the future. And it is also worth mentioning, that despite being labeled as an EP by both the band and their record label, it still contains (as mentioned above) an impressive nine tracks long set piece.