Hyrgal – Fin de Règne
8th January 2021
Need – Norchestrion: a song for the end
13th January 2021Death Invoker – Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge

Label: Nihilistic Holocaust / Release date: 11th September 2020
It’s hard to find authentic bands nowadays. There are many killer acts, but authenticity (or lack of it?!) is always a key element. Yet creating new music that way is almost imposible, even when you play old-school black/death/thrash metal. Thus, what we have here is an extreme metal band Death Invoker from Peru. They play their metal in what we can call a traditional and old-school way, tasting like a nice blend of old Sarcofago, early Sepultura and a bit of Sodom, Necrodeath, Vulcano and similar extreme metal acts.
The band has existed since 2005 and Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge is my introduction to this Peruvian trio. The cassette version (sent to me as CD-R) of the 7 Ep that came out in Brazil in 2019, but now it comes with a bonus song!
It contains three tracks and one deadly and morbid intro called “Magnificent Invocation”, which lasts just over two minutes but sets the nice pace and atmosphere for the rest of the Ep. It mainly does so by some haunting vocals and a rather simple keyboard introduction.
Second track, or the first full-length track, is also my favourite, entitled “Divination Through Death Spirits”. It is a track that was excluded because of length. It’s a real hard-hitting song with catchy chorus and strong echoing vocals. This song asks for some serious head-banging.
“Witches Hammer” is probably the weakest song here, but still a solid bone-crushing track with memorable chorus. Meanwhile, the following track “Destroy The Cross” has this recognisable dissonant solo and some nice tempo changes.
In general it is hard to judge a band only by four songs, but what I can tell you is that on Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge the band perfectly combines elements of thrash and blackened old-school death metal spiced-up with some satanic and morbid lyrical themes. The same goes for the provoking and bestial artwork and primitive old-school production.
If you’re into old-school primitive, bestial and morbid metal, delivered with strong attitude and raw sound, then I can highly recommend this release.
For any further info on this deadly South-american trio go to https://nihilisticholocaustrecs.bandcamp.com/album/necromancy-damnation-revenge or https://deathinvoker.weebly.com/