Where The Waves Are Born (Asturias, Spain)
5th September 2023
Escape The Hive (Arizona, USA)
8th November 2023Hell’s Addiction (United Kingdom)

Interview with Luke Morley (bass)
Hell’s Addiction are a 5-piece balls-out hard rock band from Leicester UK, described as the bastard child of an illicit three-way between Skid Row, early-Guns N’ Roses & AC/DC. As soon as Dave from Head First Entertainment offered me a slot to talk to the band, I imidiately took the opportunity to present this UK band for wider international audience. Here’s what came out of my conversation with band’s drummer Luke Morley.
Metal Revolution: Hey mate, thanks for talking to us. How are things in Leicester?
Luke Morley: Thanks for taking the time for the interview and Things are all good here in Leicester thanks!
MR: I’ve read on a few different sites your music described as ‘the bastard child of an illicit three-way between Skid Row, early-Guns N’ Roses & AC/DC’. Who came up with this description in the beginning and do you agree at all?
LM: Great description isn’t it! I believe that it was a review we had from a way back and it’s just stuck! And yeah we definitely agree them 3 bands are massive influences on our music taste and to be compared in any way at all to them legends is extremely cool.
MR: Have you always been you five guys, or has the line-up changed during the years?
LM: The line up has changed a few times through the years. We started as a four piece with our singer Ben also playing guitar, but then he wanted to focus more on being a front man so we added a guitarist in who stayed for a couple of years but wasn’t quite right and then we found Dan who was an absolute breath of fresh air and the perfect fit for the band and has been since 2016.
MR: You obviously have a passion for hard rock and heavy metal from the 70s and 80s, but what are your favourites bands? What have you been listening to while growing up in Leicester City?
LM: Yeah we’ve all got a big passion for that era of music most of the lads grew up listening to bands of that time. I’d say guns n roses were massive influences for all. Ben was heavily influenced by skid row and Sebastian Bach vocally. Then Dan was along the lines of van halen and kiss. But between us we grew up listening to all the main bands of the 80s.
MR: 9 O’clock Horses is the moniker of your latest, third full-length album. Why this title? Any particular mening behind?
LM: Yeah so ‘9 o’clock horses’ has a very personally meaning. It’s an old time story related to just Leicester. So when all of us were kids our dads used to say if you’re not in bed before 9 o’clock the horseman would come get you and take you away. It was based on the true story from the 1800’s of the man who came to collect the human waste from the streets for the farm and if there was any kids roaming around he would take them back to work slave labour on the farms. Used to scare the hell out of me especially! And then also in the 4 years it’s took to get this album done all of our dads have passed away so it’s very much in honour of them.
MR: For those that still haven’t heard the album, can you please make a short introduction to it? What can fans expect from your new album?
LM: It’s a hard hitting guitar riff beast of an album. From real hard ass kicking rock and some epic ballads that we’ve through in the mix! It’ll take you on a journey of rock n roll.
MR: There’s 12 tracks on the new album, do you have any personal favorites? Which song resonates with you personally the most and why?
LM: That’s a tough one I love them all! But I have to say either the opener ‘leave it alone’ or ‘upside down’ but then the ballad ‘masterplan’ is a gem of a song.
MR: I’ve seen that you’ve shedulled some concert activities around the UK. What are some of your other activities in order to promote your debut?
LM: For us where we are at, just getting out and gigging are the best way we can promote the album.
MR: I’ve seen your new video “Upside Down”, can you tell us a bit more on this particular song and about the recording of the video as well?
LM: So the ‘upside down’ chorus riff I found on a phone recording from a practice years ago that we never went back to! But I loved it that much that I made the lads bring it back to life. And then Ben wrote the lyrics all about the tv show ‘stranger things’ so we modelled the rest of the music around that. We even got permission from Netflix to use the audio samples you hear in the song. And have been shortlisted for potential future use! So that could be cool if it gets picked up! Well we wanted to do loads more with the video but time and money were a bit tight so we just booked a studio space and got a video recorded just tried to keep it dark and simple.
MR: How does your creative process work – do all members contribute equally or is there one main songwriter?
LM: We all work on the songs together. Either Dan or Liam will just start playing a riff then me and jay kick in with the drums and bass and if we feel it works ben will start to get some lyrics down. Some of our best ever songs got written within an hour!
MR: How do you go about composing a new song? Does the melody come first or the lyrics?
LM: So yeah defo the melody first before the lyrics. But if ben has some lyrics that are good we will change the melody to suit the lyrics we’re always open to get the best out of any song we write.
MR: Where was 9 O’clock Horses recorded? Have you utilized any new recording techniques when recording this one, compared to its two predecessors?
LM: It’s was recorded at axis recording studio in Doncaster by a producer called Matt Ellis. We’ve worked with him a lot and he really gets the best out of us! We didn’t use any special stuff but I added loads more percussion into the songs and it made a big difference to the overall sound, it’s surprising how a bit of egg shakers or tambourine can add to the songs.
MR: Are you pleased with the reaction from media and fans? How was the general reaction to 9 O’clock Horses?
LM: Well, we’ve had some issues with the record label getting the album out. So it’s currently still not out in the general public. But so far the reaction from close friends and close fans of the band is really good and everyone is super excited for others to hear it, as are we!! Reviews are starting to come in and so far it’s been an excellent response.
MR: Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind the album artwork for 9 O’clock Horses?
LM: Well, this time we got a good friend Dave Ward involved in the artwork and we just gave him free rein. And he pretty much nailed it first time we just added a few things here and there but he’s really excelled our album artwork and merch to another level and we’re super stoked with what he’s been able to achieve! The album artwork is all based on the ‘9 o’ clock horses’ story. Even with the written story in the background of the artwork.
MR: What’s been the most challenging part of your career in music so far?
LM: Just being in a band is challenging! It’s like having a second job. We all have day jobs then 2/3 times a week we go up to the band room to jam and then weekends spent travelling up and down the country playing gigs. Tiredness is the only hard part really because the love of music gets us through!
MR: If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
LM: I think it would have to be Guns N Roses that would be a pretty awesome support slot.
MR: Do you have any new projects in the pipeline that you can share with us?
LM: No new projects currently just been super focused on making sure we do everything to the best we can for this album.
MR: What is one message you would give to your fans and the readers of Metal Revolution?
LM: Thanks for taking the time to listen to new upcoming artists and their music. Without fans like you bands and places like metal revolution wouldn’t happen! So it’s defo just a big horns up 🤘 to those who continue to support the local music scene!